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Assistance Application

We understand how difficult it can be to reach out when times get tough.

Our specialist support staff are here to bridge the divide between you and the help you need to provide for yourself and your family.

We are committed to providing relief for individuals or families carrying on farming or primary production businesses who are or have been affected by droughts, floods or natural disasters.

We work with you to provide the personalised and practical assistance you need to help look after your house paddock; recognising that a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work for your farm, so why would it work for you or your family?

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are the answers to the questions we get asked the most often. If you can’t find the answer you were looking for, get in touch with us using the form at the bottom of the page.

The following is a non-exhaustive list of activities that generally constitute ‘primary production’:

  • Aquaculture (e.g., the farming of fish, shrimp, oysters, algae, and other aquatic organisms).
  • Artificial breeding services (e.g., selling semen collected from bulls owned and maintained to provide artificial breeding services for the beef cattle industry).
  • Commercial fishing.
  • Crop growing (e.g., barley, grain, wheat).
  • Dairy farming (i.e., manufacturing dairy produce from raw materials produced, including milk, cheese, yoghurt, curd, butter, cream, custard, ghee, ice cream, quark, whey)
  • Forestry operations (e.g., planting or tending trees intended for felling, or transporting felled trees for milling or processing
  • Horticulture (e.g., growing plants or trees for their produce or sale, including fruit, vegetables, olives, vines, nuts, grains and non-food crops such as flowers, plants, ornamental trees, etc.).
  • Rearing livestock for sale (e.g., cattle, poultry, rabbit, sheep, pigs, goats, kangaroo and freshwater crayfish).
  • Rearing livestock for the production and sale of their bodily produce (e.g., cows and goats for milk, chickens, quail and ducks for eggs, sheep for wool, cow for hide, ducks for feathers/down and bees for honey

Give our friendly Farmer Support team a call on 07 4662 7371 if you need help determining if you qualify for assistance.

The following is a non-exhaustive list of activities that are generally not considered to be ‘primary production’ activities:

  • Agistment (where land is used solely for agistment)
  • Beach worming (as worms are not considered to be ‘animals’ for primary production purposes.
  • Horse racing as a stand-alone activity
  • Lease of land, plant or machinery to an entity operating a primary production business.
  • Live sheep exporting (as distinct from traditional farming operations)
  • Kelp harvesting (if operations are limited to gathering storm cast kelp)
  • Selling standing timber (without tending or felling the trees)
  • Wind farming

Give our friendly Farmer Support team a call on 07 4662 7371 if you need help determining if you qualify for assistance.

We understand how difficult it can be to sit on the sidelines and watch a loved one suffer in the face of adversity.

If you have a family member or friend who is a primary producer facing financial hardship as a result of drought or natural disaster, please feel free to give us a call to discuss your concerns.
If you are able, please encourage them to complete the below application for assistance (you are welcome to sit with them and assist with the application if needed)
If they are unable to complete the online form, please encourage them to call us on 07 4662 7371 and speak with our Farmer Support Team who will be happy to assist them with a phone application.

To apply for assistance

Dear Farmer,

  • I'm country born and ran to the city. It was too hard for me. You guys are legends… - From Jodie
  • Your willingness to farm supports our family, you are our back bone to our survival. We thank you. - From Glen
  • Your work enables me to live. Thank you for your dedication and hard work to feed me. - From Desley
  • Thank you so much for your HARD work. It may not feel it at times, but it is… - From Shell
  • Farmers don't just work till the sun goes down. They work till the job gets done. #You're not… - From Elizabeth
  • You are all amazing people! - From Bianca
  • You are not alone! Australia is with you all right now. We thank you. - From Robyn
  • We have your back through thick and thin. Remember true Aussies help one another. - From Samantha
  • We stand behind you all the way. Thanks for all the work you do so that we have… - From Libby
  • Without you, our farmers and your families, we would not survive. Farmers lives matter. Thank you. - From Freni


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