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A convoy of compassion

After 8 nights, 15 towns and over 2500 kilometres of open road, the Long Drive for Drought crew reached their final destination on Friday 1 September. 

They were a sight to behold, fifty dust covered classic 40 series Toyota’s rolling into Birdsville to the sound of honking horns and cheers. 

The incredible men and women who formed the Long Drive Crew, are some of the most generous and kind-hearted you’ll ever meet. And with the help of people just like you, they raised over $100,000, and counting, to help disaster-affected farmers across Australia. This is one of the biggest results in the event’s four-year history! 

So many of our Aussie farmers who are doing it tough are going to benefit from this incredible achievement. The funds raised will help provide emotional and financial support, giving them the strength to continue during the hardest times. We can’t thank the Long Drive for Drought crew, and all of their supporters enough for their compassion.  

Starting as a drought run in 2019, the inaugural drive was seen as a way to showcase some iconic original 40 series and raise money & awareness to the drought through Farm Angels.  Evolving over time  the convoy has now become not just a fundraiser but a symbol of hope and mateship to our farmers & rural communities.

Farm Angels Founder Natasha Johnson said, “The Long Drive is more than a fundraising journey; it’s a lifeline connecting hearts across our communities.” 

It doesn’t get much more powerful than that! 

An adventure of a lifetime 

Kicking off in Goondiwindi, this year’s Long Drive crew blazed new trails. Travelling through outback Queensland, as well as crossing the border into rural NSW for the first time ever.  

During the lead-up the crew dug deep to reach their fundraising targets, calling upon their friends and family and hosting some incredible fundraising events and rallied to get auction and items donated. 

Along the way they were welcomed with open arms by the communities they visited. At each stop, the crew learnt about the challenges each of the regions had faced over the past several years. They even got to spend some time with the farmers to learn more about life on the land; seeing the impact of their fundraising first-hand.  

It wasn’t all smooth sailing, and some of the vehicles needed a little coaxing at times. But the crew handled it all with a laugh, a can-do attitude, and a tow rope or two!  

There were plenty of highlights, including trying to fit the entire crew into a Hastings Deering CAT, hurtling over the sand dunes outside Windorah, and sitting by the firepits with full bellies and warm hearts in Hebel, to name but a few. Some of the crew may have started as strangers, but over the course of their journey true mateships were formed. 

As the sun set over Birdsville on the final night our weary crew were able to relax and reflect on their adventure and the incredible support they received along the way.   

A huge thank you to all the corporate donors and sponsors that came on board to support this amazing event. 

Strength and hope in the toughest times 

All of the funds raised from the Long Drive for Drought go directly to Farm Angels, to provide personalised, heartfelt and discreet assistance to Aussie farmers.  

“Many of the regions we visited this year have been drought declared for more than six years, and some of these regions have experienced other disasters like flood, fire and plagues,” said Long Drive Founder Brent Reeman. 

These harsh conditions can lead to mental wellbeing issues amongst a proud demographic. These are people who are inclined to battle on alone, rather than asking for a hand up. For many, they are part of the first generation who have had to contemplate walking off the land.  

By providing financial and emotional assistance, food hampers and personalised support, the funds raised through the Long Drive for Drought will have a positive impact on the future of these farmers, both on and off the land.  

“True to their name, Farm Angels have been our saviours in the harshest times. Their unwavering support has been a lifeline for my family and our farms during these unforgiving times.”  – A Farm Angels Farmer

Get involved 

If you’ve got a love for adventure and a generous heart plus own a 40 Series Cruiser then we’d love to see you next time we take to the roads as part of the Long Drive for Drought. You could be a part of this life-changing experience and show our farmers that they’re not forgotten. To find out more visit www.longdrivefordrought.com.au