Farm Angels Farmer Support

Angels On The Phone

Our Angels on the Phone are the heartbeat of our organisation.

Farm Angels is committed to providing short-term financial assistance and tangible relief for individuals or families carrying on a primary production business who are, or have been, affected by natural disasters including drought, floods, fires, or plagues.

We believe running a farming enterprise is hard enough without mother nature adding extra challenges so our Angels on the Phone are ready to take your call or process your online application to bridge the divide between you and the help you need to look after your “house paddock”. Once you qualify for support, our Angels on the Phone will regularly check-in on you too to ensure you are doing okay.  

Don’t worry, our Angels are either farmers themselves or have rural life experience so they are comfortable talking cattle prices, irrigation, soil moisture, or other farm related issues, which means they understand what you are going through.

If you are a primary producer needing assistance, please complete our online application or call us on 07 4662 7371

This special team helps to keep our organisation farmer focussed and farmer driven.

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Applications for Assistance received last financial year

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Personalised wellness checks performed last financial year

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