Update from the Directors Desk: May 2020

Published 02/06/2020

We have been working hard this month to bring our staff and volunteers back from working at home. Ensuring we keep everyone safe and are compliant with COVID 19 regulations and restrictions. Hand sanitising stations, floor markings and other requirements have been implemented so that everyone who works or visits us will feel comfortable and safe.
Our Charity Shop re- opened last week and with both regular and new customers coming in to have a look, there was quite a buzz in the air. Our Volunteers are already wanting to hit the road and spread their wings after being confined for so long. So, we have been working at putting together a run to deliver hampers, essential items, and a friendly face for our farmers. More details on that next month.

      End of Financial Year is fast approaching for businesses big and small and it is no different here at Farm Angels. We are gearing up for our annual Audit which will take place in July ensuring that we are on track with all that needs to be done.

      We have also been working with some incredible companies in the last few weeks. Critical Input have assisted us to complete our Governance Audit and Laing O’Rourke have provided some incredible personnel to help improve some internal processes in our warehouse and other key areas in the coming months. Origin, MPC Kinetic and RACQ Foundation have donated towards our COVID Emergency Hampers. Ensuring regional Australians do not have to go without during this pandemic. Their funds have been used to purchase grocery items, which would normally be donated, but for safety purposes and concerns with regards to cross contamination, we had to close off our donation drop off points. We were able to purchase toilet paper, flour, pasta and other difficult to source items and include these in our hampers. Partnering with other local organisations such as Meals on Wheels and local Churches we were able to further reduce our contact with recipients. Safety and health always our primary concern. Our hampers are always a big hit, but even more so in the early weeks of COVID.  Here are some of the comments from recipients:

      “Oh look at me, I feel so special knowing someone did something nice for me, you must thank them for me”

      “Oh this is way too generous, how can I repay them?”

      “If you come back here and I’m fat, look out 😂😂 but say thank you, I feel so…” (and then tears well up).

      Although it was quiet on the roads, behind the scenes everything has been moving at a brisk pace. If you would like to follow how your donation makes a difference, please check out our Website or social media links to see our weekly impacts. Your continued support of Farm Angels ensures that farmers are not forgotten. Without you there is no us, without our farmers we are hungry, naked, and thirsty – THANK YOU!

      A big THANK YOU to Farm Angels. I received a beautiful phone call from one of the team to ask how I was going a few weeks ago. As farmers, we are always ‘OK’ – but she was not in a hurry and we talked for quite a while. I have to say after I hung up, I felt buoyed by her call as we had laughed and chatted so openly about how we were both handling ourselves. Three months ago, I would have struggled to keep it together when asked how I was going. Now I have received vouchers from Farm Angels and once again – I’m overwhelmed, and tears of disbelief are flowing. Big tears are normally for out in the paddock where no one sees them. God knows, I could have filled a dam. My farming family would like to dearly thank you for the generosity and kindness you have shown and as we are starting to see our paddocks slowly come back to life and cover that bare ground (even weeds are welcome) we hope to be back on our feet sooner rather than later. I know there’s a long way to go but when that time comes it will be our turn to help someone else by donating back to the Farm Angels so you can carry on with your amazing work. Thank you again to all your dedicated staff and volunteers.